
Writings and said about Sensuous Society

TEDx: Talk and performance on Sensuous society as a vision of sustainability here. Quote from talk: “The sensuous experience is one that allows us to activate all our senses. An intensified presence – When our heart and mind resonate with what is happening in that very moment. When we are full of phantasy, desires, dreams and imagination that manifests as creativity. This is the sensuous experience that the aesthetic dimension allows us to have. A society that under prioritize such an important dimension of human life cannot seize to be nor create a sustainable society either.”

Sisters Academy – Education for the Future: I DO ART has created a publication on Sisters Academy containing our Sensuous Society Manifesto, photos from Sisters Academy manifestations, The Poetic Self exercise, notes and objects from The Archive and beyond. Can be purchased here.

Experiments Towards Sustainable Futures: Book about the experiment Dome of Visions, providing an insight into the thoughts and visions that lie behind the project. Can be purchased here and here.

Theatrum Mundi/Global Street: Reflections on Theatrum Mundi as the city of a Sensuous society written as part of the urban network Theatrum Mundi/Global Street inititated by Richard Sennett and co-explored with amongst other Saskia Sassen and Ricky Burdett. Can be read here.

House of Futures: Reflections written on the House of Futures blog. House of Futures co-creates preferred futures to help organizations and people make conscious choices about the future they are creating today. Can be read here.

Dark Clouds: Article in the anthology Black Clouds edited by Mark Ellis. The writers compiled in this anthology have presented responses to the notion of a world without light as a metaphor for the society in which we exist. Can be purchased here.

Handbook in Experience Economy: Our contribution is called “Experiencing everyday life a new” and represents a voice within the terminology of experience economy that seeks to unfold experiences as a potential intervention into the capital system that will ultimately bring us to the potentially new – A Sensuous society. Can be purchased here.

Performance design: In the 10 year’s anniversary book at the Department of Performance Design, Roskilde University, we are represented with the article “Sensuous Sisters – Interventionist performance art and sensuous eductaion”  which elaborate on the role of the sensuous in terms of unfolding new knowledge and learning modes. Can be read here.

All Tomorrows Dreams: A publication of The Sensuous Society Manifesto in DRAMA, Nordisk Dramapedagogisk Tidsskrift. Can be read here.

Sisters Academy – Press:
See list of press here.

Dome of Visions – Press:
See list of press here.

The Performance Sense Laboratory – Press:
See list of press here.

The Velvet State – Press:
See list of press here.